Dear John, On Friday, December 6, we had a great sit-in, rally and march. Join us to build on the momentum!
We've had 12 to 15 people each week. Please join us - rain, snow or shine. (Unless it's a serious blizzard or below zero!) Just dress in layers for the weather. There are lots of pedestrians over the noon hour and we pass out lots of flyers and talk to lots of folks.
We have signs and banners, but feel free to bring your own
350 Milwaukee Meeting
Tuesday, January 14, 7 - 8:30pm
Urban Ecology Center
or (TBD)
First Unitarian Society (Ogden & Astor)
Due to scheduling changes at the Urban Ecology Center, our location may be moved beginning next year. We are sorting out options.
Countries are not doing enough to keep Earth's temperature from rising to near-catastrophic levels, a UN report says - CNN November 26, 2019
Do you have an idea for a future meeting?
email us at: 350mke(at)gmail(dot)com
2020 Democratic National Convention
Milwaukee WI
Monday, July 13 - Thursday, July 16
There will be protests
and 350 Milwaukee will be active!