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No mystery here: Politics and Prose workers ratify historic first contract
Labor On The Move: New staff at DC JWJ
Today's Labor History
Today's Labor Quote: Liz Shuler
Hiring Hall: DC-area union staff jobs!!
TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; [link removed] click here for complete and latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report
Wednesdays with Warner for the PRO Act
Wed, September 7, 8:15am - 9:15am
Windmill Hill Park, 500 South Lee St., Alexandria ([link removed] map)
FILM: "The Anthrax Attacks" released
Thursday, Sep 8, 2022
Leaders and members of [link removed] APWU, Nation's Capital and Southern MD Local are featured in the new movie "The Anthrax Attacks," which will go live on Netflix on Thursday, September 8th. [link removed] See more here.
Union City Radio: Your Rights at Work
Thu, September 8, 1pm - 2pm
WPFW 89.3 FM or [link removed] listen online.
Arlington Dems Labor Caucus
Thu, September 8, 6pm - 7pm
Meeting for Arlington union members and friends of labor. [link removed] RSVP here.
Book Author: Ellen Cassedy with Working 9 to 5: A women's movement, a labor union, and the iconic movie
Thu, September 8, 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Lost City Books, 2467 18th St NW, Washington, DC 20009, USA ([link removed] map)
On The Air: [link removed] Click here to catch last week's Your Rights At Work radio show (WPFW 89.3FM, Thursdays 1-2p); [link removed] Marty Walsh with 2022 Labor Hall of Honor honorees.
No mystery here: Politics and Prose workers ratify historic first contract
"It's not a mystery, it's not a thriller," said John Fisher, a bookseller at Politics and Prose bookstore. He wasn't talking about a book. "When workers first considered unionizing, some people thought it was fantasy," Fisher said at a press conference on Tuesday announcing the first union contract at a DC-area bookstore. "But now it's a reality and I'm excited to find out what happens next." Joining Fisher and his colleague Isa Salazar were P&P co-owner Lissa Muscatine, At Large DC Council member Elissa Silverman, Metro Washington Labor Council Political Director Dejah Williams and leaders from UFCW Local 400, which represents the Politics and Prose workers' union. "It is an honor to be part of this union organizing wave that is happening across the country," said Salazar, a P&P subscriptions coordinator. "We look forward to continuing to work cooperatively and constructively with the union in achieving our joint goal of strengthening P&P for our community of readers," said Politics and Prose co-owners Brad Graham and Lissa Muscatine in a statement. "Today's achievement ensures that Politics and Prose will continue to succeed and serve the community well into the future," said UFCW Local 400 President Mark Federici.
[link removed] Read more here. photo by Chris Garlock/Union City: (l-r) Silverman, Salazar, Fisher, Mike Wilson, Dejah Williams.
Labor On The Move: New staff at DC JWJ
Nadia Salazar Sandi is the new Organizing Director and Stephanie Hernandez is the new Labor Organizer at DC Jobs with Justice. Nadia Salazar Sandi (left) is a Bolivian immigrant who moved to the US at age 10 with her parents. Her organizing career goes from unionizing farm workers in North Carolina, to supporting Teachers and Students in Louisiana, all the way to working with youth all over the DMV. As an advocate she has focused her fight in supporting youth in Maryland so they can advocate for themselves and was the one of the youngest Chiefs of Staff in Annapolis during the 2016 session. Along with her passion for organizing, she is a folkloric dancer for a local community Bolivian group. She is incredibly involved with local politics, the Wheaton community, and the Bolivian community as a whole. Reach Nadia at mailto:
[email protected] [email protected].
Stephanie Hernandez (at right) is originally from Miami, Florida, and has previously organized with Workers United, SEIU and the Bernie Sanders for President campaign. As a Latina woman, she has worked on including Spanish speakers in all her campaigns and has worked to create inclusive organizing spaces. Her most proud moment was organizing on behalf of her parents who are not able to vote in this country and fighting for undocumented immigrants. Stephanie hopes to work hard to empower volunteers in DC to take action for what they believe in and looks forward to meeting people all across the District. Reach Stephanie at mailto:
[email protected] [email protected]
Labor Quote: Liz Shuler
"To all the workers out there who are fed up and fired up, we stand in solidarity with you and with every person who wants to exercise their right to organize."
From AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler's [link removed] Labor Day video; you can reach the NLRB at 1-844-762-NLRB.
Today's Labor History
This week's Labor History Today podcast: [link removed] NC Labor History Revealed! Last week's show: [link removed] Mother Jones and Fannie Sellins.
Federal employees win the right to receive Workers' Compensation insurance coverage - 1916
- David Prosten.
Hiring Hall: DC-area union jobs, plus [link removed] click here for more listings !
[link removed] Junior Assistant Bookkeeper - IAMAW Accounting Department, based in Upper Marlboro, MD (Posted: 9/2/2022) Maryland
[link removed] Attorney, CJNRC, this is a REMOTE position (Posted: 8/31/2022)
[link removed] Senior Program/Policy Analyst/Specialist (Legal Services) - Collective Bargaining & Member Advocacy, based at the NEA Headquarters (Washington, DC) (Posted: 9/1/2022)
[link removed] Program Coordinator - Women's and Fair Practices, AFGE, based in the National Office (Washington, DC) (Posted: 9/1/2022) District of Columbia
[link removed] National Representative I-IV - Organization & Field Services Department, AFT National Representatives work throughout the country (Posted: 9/1/2022)
[link removed] Senior Program/Policy Analyst/Specialist (Legal Services) - Collective Bargaining & Member Advocacy, based at the NEA Headquarters (Washington, DC) (Posted: 9/1/2022)
[link removed] Union Staff, NNU (Posted: 9/1/2022)
[link removed] Program Officer II for Asia, Solidarity Center, based in Washington, DC (hybrid telework/in-person schedule) (Posted: 9/6/2022) District of Columbia
Manager, Member Organizing, MSEA; send cover letter, résumé, and 3 writing samples to: Lindsay Barrett, Managing Director, Field Operations c/o Roxanne Rife, Montgomery County Education Association, 12 Taft Court, Rockville, MD 20850, mailto:
[email protected] [email protected] Subject: Manager, Member Organizing
[link removed] Organizer, Green Workers Alliance, covering Virginia (Posted: 8/31/2022) Virginia
[link removed] Senior Research Analysts - Strategic Initiatives Department, Economics Team, IBT, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 9/6/2022) District of Columbia
[link removed] Research Analysts - Strategic Initiatives Department, Economics Team, IBT, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 9/6/2022) District of Columbia
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source for all news items and as the source for Today's Labor History.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members. DYANA FORESTER, PRESIDENT.
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