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"One job should be enough!" say airport workers
"Anthrax Attacks" doc features local postal workers
MWC Labor to Labor expands
Labor Quote: The Anthrax Attacks trailer
Today's Labor History
THIS WEEK'S LABOR CALENDAR PREVIEW: [link removed] click here for complete and latest listings; email mailto:
[email protected] [email protected] to get listed!
[link removed] Union City Radio: 7:15 am daily WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here for today's report
Your Rights at Work radio show: Thu, September 22, 1pm - 2pm
WPFW 89.3 FM or [link removed] listen online.
THIS WEEK'S GUESTS: Dan Krauss, "The Anthrax Attacks" director ([link removed] watch now on Netflix) and Dena Briscoe, APWU. Plus: Musician Pam Parker!
Time To Care Celebration (JUFJ): Thu, September 22, 5pm - 6pm
Busboys and Poets - Columbia, 6251 Mango Tree Rd, Columbia, MD 21044, USA ([link removed] map)
[link removed] RSVP HERE
Support Collective Bargaining for Arlington School Employees: Thu, September 22, 7pm - 8pm
2110 Washington Blvd 2nd floor, Arlington, VA 22204 ([link removed] map)
[link removed] Sign the petition.
DC Labor to Labor Canvass: Sat, September 24, 9am - 2pm
Multiple locations; [link removed] Info/sign-up here.
NoVA Labor Walks: Sat, September 24, 9am - 1pm
4536 John Marr Dr, Annandale, VA 22003
Contact mailto:
[email protected] [email protected] for more information; 727-871-4158.
Maryland Labor to Labor Walks: Sat, September 24, 9:30am - 2:00pm
Multiple locations; [link removed] Info/RSVP here
Missed last week's Your Rights At Work radio show (WPFW 89.3 FM Thursdays at 1p)? Catch [link removed] Biden's labor scorecard here; EPI policy analyst Margaret Poydock on President Biden's first 18 months, including his key role in the tentative rail settlement averting a nationwide strike.
"One job should be enough!" say airport workers
Airport workers and their supporters rallied at National Airport yesterday, saying "One job should be enough for airport workers! Public money should support good jobs!" "If I got hit by a car or a stray bullet, I'd tell the ambulance to take me to work," said 32BJ SEIU member and contracted cabin cleaner Paul Blair, "Otherwise, I won't have a job when I come back." Said NoVA Labor president Ginny Diamond, "Airport workers deserve the fundamental human right to form a union!" And 32BJ's Jaime Contreras noted that while MWAA in 2018 enacted a policy requiring contractors to provide a living wage for airport workers at Dulles and National, "MWAA also has the power to enact a policy requiring contractors to provide paid sick leave and health care benefits." photo: airport workers Yardanos and Nigist
"Anthrax Attacks" doc features local postal workers
"When we heard about the (SD Senator Tom) Daschle mail (anthrax exposure), that's when it felt closer to home," says Dena Briscoe (photo) in the just-released Netflix documentary "The Anthrax Attacks." "I was like, wow, in order for them to get their mail, it has to go through Brentwood. So I kind of, like, went inside myself just to stay calm." Briscoe is president of the DC local of the American Postal Workers Union; two of her members, Thomas Morris Jr. and Joseph Curseen, died of anthrax exposure. The Anthrax Attacks tells the dramatic story of the 2001 anthrax attacks on the United States in the days following 9/11 and the investigation that followed. Briscoe and Oscar-nominated director Dan Krauss will be on Your Rights At Work today at 1p on WPFW (89.3FM).
MWC Labor to Labor expands
The Metro Washington Labor Council's Labor to Labor effort in the District expands to two more wards this Saturday. "We'll be doing walks out of Wards 5 and 6, in addition to Ward 4," says MWC Political Director Déjah Désirée Williams. [link removed] CLICK HERE for details and/or see Calendar, above; all walks start at 9a. In related news, National Nurses Organizing Committee (NNOC) on Monday endorsed Councilmember Elissa Silverman, calling her "a driving force for progress--the kind of dedicated leader for economic, social, and health justice that D.C. residents need." photo: at last Saturday's Dc Labor to Labor Launch; photo by Chris Garlock/Union City
Labor Quote: The Anthrax Attacks trailer
The big fear was this is the second wave of a terrorist attack. Do you know how many packages I've opened?
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This week's Labor History Today podcast: [link removed] It's not working on the railroad. Last week's show: [link removed] A miasma of metals.
Eighteen-year-old Hannah (Annie) Shapiro leads a spontaneous walkout of 17 women at a Hart Schaffner & Marx garment factory in Chicago. It grows into a months-long mass strike involving 40,000 garment workers across the city, protesting 10-hour days, bullying bosses and cuts in already-low wages - 1910
Great Steel Strike begins; 350,000 workers demand union recognition. The AFL Iron and Steel Organizing Committee calls off the strike, their goal unmet, 108 days later - 1919
Eleven Domino's employees in Pensacola, Fla. form the nation's first union of pizza delivery drivers - 2006
- David Prosten
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.
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