Mayor Buttigieg is a new face gaining a lot of attention, but his climate policy doesn’t lead the curve. We are in the fight of our lives to take on the climate crisis, and the clock is ticking. This election is our chance to enact the kind of bold climate solutions required to avert the worst consequences of this crisis.
Two other leading candidates, Senators Sanders and Warren, have taken bold positions to support a Green New Deal, commit to ambitious timelines for 100% renewable energy, ban fracking, and hold the fossil fuel industry accountable for driving the climate crisis.
Buttigieg’s current climate plan includes solutions like direct-air carbon capture and continued investment in fracked gas projects. Neither is a particularly effective way to solve the climate crisis, and both serve to buy the fossil fuel industry time to continue extracting and burning more and more carbon. Instead of techno solutions and half-measures, we need to see a plan for a rapid, just transition away from fossil fuels to 100% renewable energy from Buttigieg now.
While Buttigieg claims he will run all new infrastructure through a climate test, he has been hesitant on the campaign trail to explicitly oppose new coal, oil and gas projects. He recently told 350 Action fellows at a campaign stop in New Hampshire that he wouldn’t even ban one of the dirtiest, most destructive forms of fossil fuel extraction — mountaintop removal coal mining. Watch the video below to see for yourself.
We need Buttigieg to oppose new fossil fuel infrastructure, commit to ending fracking, hold the fossil fuel industry accountable for the crisis, and adhere to the spirit of the No Fossil Fuel Money pledge.
Until We Win,
This message has been authorized and paid for by 350 Action, 20 Jay St, Suite 732, Brooklyn, NY 11201, May Boeve, Executive Director. This message has not been expressly authorized, requested, or approved by any federal, state, or local candidate, candidate’s committee or their agents, or by any ballot issue committee.
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