The Illinois Green Party has been working to advance Green Values.
Get out the Vote!
Our Metropolitan Water Reclamation District candidates are on the ballot! Volunteer today at
Are you Congressional District 17 and looking for an alternative outside the corporate parties? Write-in Brad Ahrens! For more information visit
The Green Party is in 72 countries, if you’d like to be part of this effort, consider:
· Joining the Coordinating Committee (CC) – the administrative body that keeps the party running. The Coordinating Committee meets the 3rd Sunday of each month at 7:30 (~3 hours). Any member, after 6 months, is eligible to be a Illinois Green Party Coordinator! Help Steer the Illinois Green Party!
Here’s a brief summary from the September 18th Illinois Green Party Coordinating Committee Meeting:
Highlights include:
- Approval of $1,000 to the Cook County Green Party for the MWRD candidates.
- Approval of up to $40 for a website domain for the Young Greens of Chicago Caucus (pending chapter approval).
- Galesburg Green Party Chapter is approved. Thank you to David Peter and Brad for getting this started!
747 E. Boughton Rd. Box #227 Bolingbrook, IL 60440
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