I’m running for Congress against Ilhan Omar because I love my country...
...AND I’m absolutely disgusted that anti-hating socialist Ilhan Omar is my congresswoman “representing” me, my family and friends and the rest of Minneapolis.
But there’s bad news for Ilhan because she’s uniquely vulnerable this year.
Omar nearly lost her own primary...and even got demolished by the Far-Left Mayor of Minneapolis for being an entitled, selfish hack.
That’s why I’m emailing you today because with only a few weeks until the November midterm elections, I need your help.
I won’t lie to you: My district leans Democrat and conservatives do NOT make up a majority here in Minneapolis.
But this IS NOT a normal year, this IS NOT a normal race, and Ilhan Omar IS NOT a normal Democrat!
A big majority of voters in Minneapolis have voted against Ilhan Omar in the 2020 Election or her 2022 Democrat Primary...and are ready to join together on Election Day to get the job done.
Just like me and you, they’re disgusted by Ilhan Omar’s...
As I write this email, I’m excited to share that my campaign is picking up serious momentum with less than 2 weeks until the election.
I’m sure you aren’t surprised that Ilhan Omar has amassed a large war chest for her re-election.
So, I don’t have a second to rest in the final stretch of my campaign. My team and I are continuing to work around the clock.
But here’s the God’s honest truth:
None of my work will matter if I don’t have an influx of support from thousands of patriots around the country.
That’s why I’m counting you today. So, will you activate your 500% match by making a gift of $30 or more to help push me to victory on November 8th?
I’m sure I don’t have to tell you what’s at stake in this pivotal election.
You and I both know that the socialist policies of Ilhan Omar and the far-Left are destroying the American values that define our nation and what it means to be an American.
You and your family deserve better than a terrorist-sympathizing, socialist who constantly spews hatred about Jewish people, the police and America’s Founders!