Hi Friend,
I hope you’re doing well. This is Dr. Ben Carson, and I’m writing to you today because recently I’ve noticed a troubling trend.
For decades, faith-based votership has been in steep decline. This sure concerns me, and since I’m sure it troubles you too, I’m hoping we can work to reverse this trend together.
Our nation is at a crossroads. And today it’s critical for the faith-based community to turn out in force to vote during next week’s midterm elections.
As voters of faith, you and I are called to consider carefully who will serve as our representatives in the halls of Congress and in state legislatures. And depending upon where you live, you’ll also be voting on state ballot initiatives and other local races that will directly impact you and your family.
We must speak out on the ongoing battle for hearts and minds across America—we must cast our vote in defense of the issues that matter most.
This is why right now ACI is leading an initiative to educate citizens of faith about the importance of exercising your right to vote.
And I’m hoping that as a leader of faith I can count on you to light the way forward by serving as an example and pledging to vote in next week’s pivotal midterm elections.
If you are willing to step up and inspire others to join in on this critical initiative, please take a moment to sign our pledge by clicking the link below:
When you do, you’ll be signaling to other voters of faith that we have to unite and take action by casting our vote next week.
Thank you for helping with this critical initiative,
Dr. Ben Carson