Today’s Labor Calendar
Click here for the complete calendar and details. Got something to add or update? Email us at [email protected].
Union City Radio: 7:15am, WPFW-FM 89.3 FM
2-minute audio version of the Metro Washington Labor Council's Union City newsletter.
Solidarity rally for railroad workers: Tue, December 13, 1pm – 3pm Senate side of the US Capitol Building in Washington, DC (map) |
Strong showing of solidarity at Starbucks rally Friday
The solidarity at Friday’s rally in Arlington supporting Starbucks workers was as strong as a dark roast blend. “You know, people drink coffee because they want to feel invigorated,” said AFL-CIO president Liz Shuler. “They want to feel warm, they want to feel wrapped in a protective blanket of caffeine. But what I think makes you feel warm is decent pay, good benefits, scheduling that's predictable. To be taken care of with dignity and respect.” Shuler capped a packed speaker list that included workers, labor leaders, political and community allies at the Arlington rally, one of ten held across the country to celebrate the 1-year anniversary of the first Starbucks organized in Buffalo. Said Virginia AFL-CIO president Doris Crouse-Mays to the hundreds gathered on the plaza outside the Arlington government center, “When you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us! Look around at all of the different unions that are here: we will stand with the workers from Starbucks. One day longer means one day stronger.” Metro Washington Council president Dyana Forester echoed that sentiment, saying “As long as you all are fighting, we will be here. The labor movement will be here by your side, and we welcome you into our family.” Plumber's Local 5’s Lou Spencer said that “We are gathered here today to celebrate Workers United victories in Arlington, in New York, Atlanta, Buffalo, Chicago, Los Angeles, Pittsburgh, San Antonio, Boston, and Seattle. We will support the more than 7,000 workers at 265 Starbucks stores that have voted to unionize.”
- report/photos/collage by Chris Garlock/Union City |
December COPE meeting dates/links
Prince George's and Montgomery County COPE: December 15, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. Chairs: Sam Epps and Tom Clark. Registration Link
D.C. COPE: December 21, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. Chairs: Herbert Harris, Jr. and Chuck Clay. Registration Link
Tri-County COPE meeting: Wednesday, December 21, 2022 at 3:30 p.m.
Chairs: Michael Canles and Tom Clark. Registration Link |
Labor Quote: DeMaurice Smith
“We wrote a letter to Starbucks on behalf of the NFL players, and we told them ‘You need to stop busting unions, because it's un-American, it's unfair, and you're stepping on the necks of the people who built America.'”
Smith is Executive Director of the NFL Players Association. photo by Chris Garlock/Union City |
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.
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