Today’s Labor Calendar
Click here for the complete calendar and details. Got something to add or update? Email us at [email protected].
Union City Radio: 7:15am, WPFW-FM 89.3 FM
2-minute audio version of the Metro Washington Labor Council's Union City newsletter.
Metro Washington Council Delegate meeting (NEW LINK!): Tue, December 20, 5pm – 7pm REGISTER HERE NOTE: This is a different link than for the November meeting; you must re-register!
D.C. COPE: Wed, December 21, 2pm – 3pm Registration Link
Tri-County COPE meeting: Wed, December 21, 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Registration Link
IUOE 99’s JAC recognized for “Notable Contribution”
In the last ten years, Operating Engineers Local 99’s apprenticeship program has produced more apprentices than all other programs in the state of Maryland combined in the last 44 years. That’s why Local 99 received a Certificate of Notable Contribution at the 2022 Maryland Apprenticeship Awards last month. “There have only been 129 apprentices who have graduated from a Stationary Engineer Program since 1978 in Maryland,” said Christopher Maclarion, State of Maryland Dept. of Labor Director of Apprenticeship and Training, who nominated Local 99 for the award. “Of that 129, 73 came from this JAC Program. That means nearly 60% of the Stationary Apprenticeship graduates in Maryland came from here in the Local 99 JAC.” “Just being nominated for the award was a great honor,” said JAC Training Coordinator Mark Brandt. “Winning the 2022 Maryland Apprenticeship Award for IUOE Local 99’s contributions to apprenticeship in our State is a great tribute to all the people involved with the program here at Local 99.”
photo (l-r): Boyd Rutherford (Maryland Lt. Governor and presenter), Raymond Stack (IUOE Local 99 JAC Trustee), Mark Brandt (IUOE Local 99 JAC Training Coordinator), Donald Havard (Local 99 JAC Chairman), Charles Hanko (IUOE Local 99 JAC Employer Trustee, Trademasters), Tiffany Robinson (Maryland Secretary of Labor), And Christopher Maclarion (State of Maryland Dept. of Labor Director of Apprenticeship and Training). |
Meet The People: Stanley Snow
The best part of Stanley Snow’s job is “being able to help enhance the lives of our nation’s heroes.” Snow, who started working in the government in 1996, currently provides prosthetic services to veterans at the Washington DC VA Medical Center, where he's president of AFGE Local 2798. “Federal employees work hard to provide service to the public,” says Snow, noting that the current administration has been reluctant to acknowledge the union rights that were taken away during the previous administration, making it harder to protect and represent the employees.
From AFGE’s Meet the People Who Keep Our Federal and D.C. Governments Running. |
Labor Quote: Roger Toussaint
“An agreement will never ever, ever, ever be resolved by fear and intimidation.”
Roger Toussaint was president of TWU Local 100 on this date in 2005 when thousands of workers began what was to be a two-day strike of the New York City transit system over retirement, pension and wage issues. The strike violated the state’s Taylor Law; Toussaint was jailed for ten days and the union was fined $2.5 million. |
Today’s Labor History
This week’s Labor History Today podcast: Red Jerseys in Detroit. Last week’s show: Julia Reichert: “Documentarian of the Working Class”. Delegates to the AFL convention in Salt Lake City endorse a constitutional amendment to give women the right to vote - 1899.
The first group of 15 Filipino plantation workers recruited by the Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association arrive in Hawaii. By 1932 more than 100,000 Filipinos will be working in the fields – 1906
The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) takes effect today – 1970
David Prosten
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.
Story suggestions, event announcements, campaign reports, Letters to the Editor and other material are welcome, subject to editing for clarity and space; just click on the mail icon below. You can also reach us on Facebook and Twitter by clicking on those icons.