Our Board of Education initiative is under way and you may be able to help us! We are forming an Advisory Board, composed of past and current BOE members, parents with kids in the district, current or retired teachers and administrators, previous campaign helpers/volunteers for BOE candidates.
If you want to help, please REPLY to this email. We need a core group that we can count on to provide input and to inform the kinds of training and resources candidates need. More hands, less work and the commitment is task specific eg. are these fair questions to have on the candidate questionnaire, what is your opinion on having X as a ballot designation?
The first meeting is Thursday, January 12th @7pm. It will cover the vetting process for candidates. Since the training is nonpartisan and open to the public, those who align with our values will likely find our training to be valuable. However, how do we vet candidates for Board of Education when it comes time to provide GOTV training? How do we suss out candidates for our program so that not just anyone (especially extremists) will get the voter lists that we will provide? These are valuable resources that we want to ensure don't fall into the wrong hands. The candidate questionnaire and vetting process will need to be established.
Please register for the Jan 12th meeting here: https://tinyurl.com/BOEvetting