Minnesota Senator Eric Lucero banner image

Dear Friends and Neighbors,


Last week was the conclusion of week four of the legislative session and things continue to be busy!

Sen. Lucero Thursday last week attending the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus Day at the Capitol working to highlight truth and preserve our constitutional rights. Legislative Democrats and Gov. Walz have already announced they are coming after the firearms and accessories of law-abiding citizens.



Senate Democrats brought their extreme abortion bill to the Senate Floor last Friday and the 15-hour debate lasted until approximately 3 AM Saturday morning. Below is a list of amendments Republicans offered. The extreme Democrats DEFEATED EVERY AMENDMENT with all 33 Republicans voting FOR and all 34 Democrats voting AGAINST every single time. After voting every amendment down, Democrats then passed the bill on a 34-to-33 vote. The bill now goes to Gov. Walz which he has promised to sign into law.


·         Requiring providing information to minors regarding abortion and sterilization

·         Remove the right to sterilization from the bill

·         Prohibiting children under age 14 from getting sterilized

·         Prohibiting sterilization of minors when there is evidence of sex trafficking

·         Clarifying reproductive health care does not include contracting a gestational surrogate

·         Clarifying bill doesn’t protect sex reassignment surgery for people under age 18

·         Prohibiting abortion after 21 weeks

·         Prohibiting abortion after 25 weeks

·         Prohibiting abortion after 32 weeks

·         Prohibiting abortion after 36 weeks

·         Prohibiting partial birth abortions Prohibiting abortions when a woman is in active labor

·         Creating state policy of Minnesota that life begins at conception

·         Prohibiting abortions based on sex

·         Prohibiting abortions based on race

·         Prohibiting abortions based on Down Syndrome diagnosis

·         Prohibiting saline abortions

·         Requiring licensing of abortion facilities

·         Requiring parental consent for abortions and sterilizations for people under age 18

·         Regulating out of state mobile abortion clinics

·         Protections for vulnerable adults seeking abortions

·         Creating state policy of Minnesota that life begins at conception

·         Allowing mothers to provide anesthesia to developing baby when baby can feel pain



During debate on the Senate Floor, it became very clear how evil the pro-abortion bill is. I was reminded of the words recorded by the Prophet Isaiah:

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”


I’ve included links below to several short videos of my comments on the Senate Floor during debate as I was fighting for pro-life truth:

·         Sen. Lucero's comments on the 21 week abortion ban

·         Sen. Lucero's comments on the 36 week abortion ban

·         Sen. Lucero's comments on banning abortion in response to Down Syndrome diagnosis

Sen. Lucero hosting joint town hall events last Saturday in Albertville and Elk River with each State Representatives Walter Hudson and Paul Novotny. It was a great time and conversations with constituents.



Wednesday last week, Democrats once again abused their one-seat majority to ram their Carbon-Free Electricity Mandate by 2040 bill (better known as the 100% Certain Blackout bill) through the Senate Energy Committee. It will cost thousands more per year for each Minnesotan in increased electricity expenses if the Democrat bill becomes law.


Republicans on the committee offered 24 common sense amendments which the Democrats on the committee rejected. One of the several amendments I offered which Democrats voted down would have required reliability be considered when making decision. I anticipate the bill will be on the Senate Floor soon.

Sen. Lucero with State Rep. Walter Hudson and teacher/State Rep. Patty Mueller from the Austin, MN area Tuesday last week at STMA High School as part of a legislative panel discussing education funding.



Some of the bills I introduced last week include:

·         SF0503 - St. Michael wastewater treatment system improvements bond issue

·         SF0504 - Minimum revenue guarantee for low revenue school districts establishment

·         SF0505 - State aid for school districts with low general education revenue       

·         SF0842 - Constitutional amendment ensuring the right to keep and bear arms

·         SF0843 - Sewage septic tank trucks exemption from certain vehicle weight limitations

·         SF0844 - Essential employees list expansion

·         SF0845 - Third-party testing program for driver's license knowledge and road tests        

·         SF0846 - Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act

·         SF0847 - Family foster care and adoption legislative task force establishment

·         SF0848 - Hydroelectric revitalization revolving loan program establishment

·         SF0849 - Custody and parenting time presumptions modifications

·         SF0850 - Pro rata registration taxes on unused vehicles authorization

·         SF0851 - Commercial vehicles driving in the left lane prohibition

·         SF0852 - Cancer awareness special license plates establishment and appropriation

·         SF0854 - Income tax subtraction for health insurance premiums establishment

Sen. Lucero invited to meet a group of young people from the Alexandria area visiting the Capitol Monday last week as part of their Constitutional Education Class. The caliber of their questions regarding our Republic was so incredibly impressive!



Each and every day I’m continuously humbled at the opportunity to represent and fight for the values and priorities of our great community!


Please contact me to share any issues, concerns, or feedback you have to assist me best represent you. The best way to reach me is by email at [email protected] or by phone at 651-296-5655.


Eric Lucero

Minnesota Senate, District 30

Rockford Township, Hanover, Saint Michael, Albertville, Otsego, Elk River, Nowthen, Western Oak Grove


Capitol Address

95 University Avenue W.
Minnesota Senate Bldg. 2413
St. Paul, MN 55155
